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Tutor Policy and Code of Conduct

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Policy #1 - Be professional and empathetic towards students and other tutors

Maintaining a high level of professionalism is extremely important with respect to the tutor and student tutoring relationship. Here are a few tips to help you maintain professionalism:

  1. Take initiative to do courtesy follow ups with potential students about starting a class or resuming their next class with existing students.

  2. In order to get the best response time from students, be prompt in replying to questions, email and messages etc. We recommend you reply within 48 hours.

  3. Being honest and transparent with your students is always the best option. An example might be informing the student that you do not immediately know the answer to their question and that you need some additional time to get back to them. Honesty and transparency can help you further develop the trust of your students with you and also gain mutual respect.

  4. Take the time to discuss with your students the most suitable learning environment for them. Simple things include desk setup, proper lighting or any particular software to help organisation and management. This is especially relevant for online classes.

  5. We understand that as a tutor, you may want evidence of your experience as a tutor and you may require a form of media with you and the student. If so, always ask for students’ prior written consent for recording videos, audio or images. This is for students’ privacy.

  6. In the chance a student is late, contact them to follow up and be sure to be available to teach during the entire booked lesson time.

Policy #2 - Attend all classes and arrive on time

As a tutor, you are responsible for attending lessons at the scheduled time set up by you and your students.

Policy #3 - Attitude and behaviour

Maintain a positive attitude towards students, other tutors or LJ Future Skills. Do not make negative comments about students, other tutors or LJ Future Skills and do not share such comments to others. Always remember that how you represent yourself as a tutor also represents LJ Future Skills.

Policy #4 - Prohibited and Bannable Offences

The following actions are not permitted on LJ Future Skills and may lead to your tutor account being deactivated and removed from the platform.

  1. Promoting competing companies, brand, marketing or media.

  2. Engaging in spamming, disrespectful language, obscenities, theft of personal information.

  3. Providing or posting false, misleading, or inaccurate information about your tutor profile.

  4. Preaching tutor or student privacy such as posting or submitting private contact information including any form of media.

For further information and clarification, please click the link here, to view the NSW Department of Education's Code of Conduct.


About LJ Future Skills

LJ Future Skills is inspired to bring you a trusted STEM platform connecting learners with the best STEM experts quickly. This is Australia's online STEM learning marketplace, connecting children and their parents, adults or pensioners with trusted tutors.

Tutors are available face to face or online.

Whatever your age, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS (STEM) and other subjects are key to your academic, career and life successes and a sense of achievement.

Be inspired to be the best, inspire others to be better

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